Friday, 11 April 2014

The new board for the CNC controller. The manufacturing process. Very big report :)

And so, as mentioned earlier, because of bugs found, deficiencies and changes I decided to make a new controller board. As I was producing the old PCB I already wrote. The new version, I decided to to make new PCB using different, better technology. I suggest you look at the full report.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Big report #1

Last time I worked more on the software part, but and the electronic part survived their changes. First, a big change - I decided to go directly to work with SD card and refuse permanent connection to a PC. This makes the machine completely autonomous. Also gone a huge delay between commands, and the program runs smoothly, quickly and without pause.

Already implemented:
  • Switch manual control / automatic mode . Manual control means control of all axes by the joystick and two buttons. After switching to the automatic mode , the current position of the axes is considered original .
  • Choosing a running program (20 different programs can be stored in the memory of the machine and executed on request )
  • Correct work with curves. It was necessary to use curves programs. Now when generating program , all the curves are converted into many small straights.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

First drawing + Working process video

I can happily report that the mechanical part of the actually completed! Assembled already all 3 axes. In addition of the active work on the mechanical part, very much has been done in the software part too.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Video #2!

I connect both motors to the controller board and wrote a simple program to manage them. Now the controller board rotate the motors to the coordinates, that specified in the control program. Later, the controller will take the coordinates from a connected PC.

Quick report 3

A long time I did not add the news to the blog, but during this time a lot has been done. 
I propose a quick overview of what is already done.

The controller board is fully assembled and is now being actively writing and testing the software part for controller and PC.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Printed circuit board. Part 2

And so, the PCB pattern is ready, tested and now need to move it to the board.

Need to disable all image optimization, toner saving  in a laser printer and then, print sample on an normal sheet.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Printed circuit board. Part 1

Yesterday evening drew the first version of the PCB. Maybe today I will begin to produce its. Description below.

How it will look:

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Quick report 2 + Video

To begin with - I repaired my soldering iron but will order a new later. I builded a test version of stepper motor driver. Photos and video below.

It looks awful and complicated :)